Monday, 10 June 2019

MacOS Software Development Kit changes

This post is based on the README from the corresponding Github repository.

That repository attempts to cope with expected changes in Apple’s approach to software development kits, specifically where to find the system headers (you’d expect /usr/include).

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Coding Guidelines


This is a rather self-satisfied document, written in the mid-1990’s, which may still have some relevance.

Coding Guide

Purpose and Scope

While it is hard to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear (to create good code from a bad design), it is all too easy to do the reverse.

The principle that clear, readable, understandable source text eases program evolution, adaptation, and maintenance is not dependent on the programming language in which the text is written. The purpose of this document is to indicate those language-independent techniques which can help you to produce source text with these qualities.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Using GDB with a BBC micro:bit

This note is about using Segger J-Link software to help debug code on a BBC micro:bit.